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Many Prisoners Are Still Suffering With Covid-19 Behind Bars

The year 2020 took a tremendous toll on Americans in general, but also for those who are incarcerated as well. COVID-19 is the culprit to blame. In June of this year, the Marshall Project reported more than half a million cases of Covid in the US prison population, this includes staff as well ( Blackinger, K, Lauer, C. and Park, K., 2021) . To further complicate matters, we are now dealing with at least two additional identified strains which have been introduced as the "Delta" and "Lambda" strain (Blackinger et al, 2021). Among the reasons given by the Marshall Project, was the fact that many correctional agencies failed to create and execute sound policies to help in the prevention of the spread of the virus (Blackinger et al, 2021). In contrast, under-reporting is another factor found within Bureau of Prison, in fact many incarcerated persons were not even tested unless they had a fever (Blackinger et al, 2021). One of the issues identified early on with this pandemic is the fact that even when the prisoners tested positive, they were not quarantined from each other, causing further cases and increased numbers of persons testing positive for the virus (Balckinger et al, 2021). COVID-19 has revealed several of the many challenges correctional facilities face, such as inadequate space and proper ventilation. Further, many of the medical providers had never experiences anything even remotely to COVID-19, and confronted many obstacles in the care and treatment of the virus. Dr. David Sears who is a correctional healthcare expert recommends that the best way to cure the defects of Covid-19 among incarcerated persons is reduce the incarcerated population (Blackinger et al, 2021). Correct Consultants supports the strategy proposed by Dr. Sears. Mass Incarceration has created a tremendous amount of issues ranging from homelessness beyond release, and untreated mental health issues. Covid-19 should be the wake up many correctional administrators need to make the changes in their facility. Until that time comes, correct consultants can help create and implement policies which will assist in how your consumers receive their treatment whether it is related to Covid- 19 or other medical diagnosis. Call us today for a complimentary consultation.

REFERENCES: Blackinger, K, Lauer, C. and Park, K. (2021) A Half-Million People Got COVID-19 in Prison. Are Officials Ready for the Next Pandemic? The Marshall Project.


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